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    Hosting a Full Stack Application

    Git RepositoryContribute on Github
    Last update: 2 months ago by mohammedelzanatyReading time: 16 min

    Project Summary

    In this project, you will take a newly developed full stack application and deploy it to a cloud service provider so that it is available to customers. This application contains the main components of a 3-tier full stack application (UI, API, and Database).

    Udagram Archtiecture
    Udagram Archtiecture

    Project Environment

    In your Local Machine Instructions ensure you have the following installed:

    โœ… Node v14.15.1 (LTS), or more recent. While older versions can work, it is advisable to keep Node to the latest LTS version Node.js Installer

    โœ… npm 6.14.8 (LTS), or more recent. Yarn can work but was not tested for this project

    โœ… AWS CLI v2 Installing / Updating the latest, v1 can work but was not tested for this project

    You will have to do the following

    1๏ธโƒฃ Download Assets

    You will have the choice of using either a starter project (GitHub link) or the application created during the course of the Fullstack JavaScript Nanodegree. choose what ever you like

    2๏ธโƒฃ Provision AWS services

    Provision the necessary AWS services your app needs

    ๐Ÿš€ Launch the AWS Console

    Launch the AWS Web Console in your Udacity Classroom, You are given a federated user account, a temporary AWS user account with limited permissions, that you can use in this program.

    To log in to an AWS console, click the button in the left navigation labeled Open AWS Gateway and then Open AWS Console. This will open the AWS console in a new browser tab. This may take a few moments to load the first time. See a brief video below for a walkthrough.

    If you have a pop-up blocker installed, it may prevent the new tab from launching. Please be sure to allow pop-ups from Udacity.

    ๐Ÿš€ RDS - Create Postgres DB

    Amazon RDS is a relational database service that manages common database administration tasks, resizes automatically, and is cost-friendly.

    Let's see how to create a PostgresSQL database, and view the details of an existing database.

    ๐Ÿป Navigate to the RDS dashboard. It shows the database-resources summary, such as the count of database instances, the health of the database service, reserved instances, snapshots. You can also view the portion of the allocated storage. You can launch the Create database wizard from here.

    Navigate for RDS
    Navigate for RDS

    ๐Ÿป Create a Database

    Create Databases
    Create Databases

    AWS provides two options to choose from:

    1. Standard create - You have set all of the configuration options, including ones for availability, security, backups, and maintenance.

    2. Easy create - You use the industry best-practice configurations. All configuration options, except the Encryption and VPC details, can be changed after the database is created.

    The snapshot below shows the fields you choose while creating a MySQL database using the Standard create option.

    Choose Database Creation Method & Engine Options
    Choose Database Creation Method & Engine Options
    Templates & Settings
    Templates & Settings
    DB Instance Class & Storage
    DB Instance Class & Storage
    Additional Configuration
    Additional Configuration
    Create Databases
    Create Databases

    when creating your RDS instance, make sure you choose to make it publicly accessible (itโ€™s an option that pops up to you when creating the database).

    By default, if you create an Amazon RDS MySQL database you wonโ€™t be able to connect to it unless you specifically whitelist inbound traffic sources.

    I will show you step by step in the easiest way possible how to allow an IP to connect to your RDS instance (in other words, open port 3306).

    Step 1 Choose your RDS database from the list of instances.

    choose db instance
    choose db instance

    Step 2 Scroll to the Connectivity & Security section then find the โ€œVPC Security groupsโ€ and click on the active security group link. This will directly redirect you to the security group you need to whitelist the IP address at.

    choose db instance
    choose db instance

    Step 3 Make sure the security group that belongs to your RDS database is selected/highlighted.

    Step 4 Click on Inbound Rules at the bottom. Then click Edit Inbound Rules.

    inbound rules
    inbound rules

    Step 5 In this last step you will just need to whitelist IP.

    edit inbound rules
    edit inbound rules

    Hit save ๐Ÿ˜‚

    now it's time to test we can use Postbird

    Databae Connected
    Databae Connected

    via GIPHY

    ๐Ÿš€ S3 Bucket

    ๐Ÿป Create Bucket
    1. Navigate to the AWS Management Console page, type S3 in the โ€œFind Servicesโ€ box and then select S3 and navigate to it.

    AWS Console Search

    1. Click on the Create bucket button. It will launch a new wizard.

    Create Bucket

    1. General configuration

    Provide the bucket-name and the region where you want to locate the bucket.

    The bucket name must be unique worldwide, and must not contain spaces or uppercase letters.

    create bucket
    create bucket

    One of the convenient naming conventions isย my-123456789-bucket, where you can replaceย 123456789ย with your 12 digit AWS account ID.

    If you create a bucket from GUI you need to make sure that u login with the user u are using to acess from the termainal if it's not the case there's an error will appears for ACLS and we can avoid all this shit by creating the bucket from our termainal

    aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket my-bucket \
    --region us-east-1

    you can learn more about this from docs

    Now we created the bucket, and later we upload files and folders to it but there's some configuration we need to add to the bucket itself.

    1. Public Access settings

    uncheck the Block all public access option. It will enable the public access to the bucket objects via the S3 object URL bocz we need our HTML/CSS to be accessable form outside


    Make sure to check โœ… I acknowledge that the current settings might result in the his bucket and the objects within becoming public

    We are allowing the public access to the bucket contents because we are going to host a static website in this bucket.ย Hosting requires the content should be publicly readable.

    1. Bucket Versioning and Encryption

    ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป Bucket Versioning - Keep it disabled. ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป Encryption - If enabled, it will encrypt the files being stored in the bucket. ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป Object Lock - If enables, it will prevent the files in the bucket from being deleted or modified.

    Bucket Versioning

    Create a bucket - Make it public and now we need to access bucket details

    Bucket Details
    Bucket Details

    ๐Ÿป Set Bucket Policy

    Set Permissions
    Set Permissions
    Bucket Policy
    Bucket Policy

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
    "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Principal": "*",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": [

    Replace yonisify-udagram with your bucketname


    ๐Ÿป Configure static website hosting

    Select Properties Tab
    Select Properties Tab
    Choose Static website hosting
    Choose Static website hosting
    Change Hosting Type
    Change Hosting Type
    URL endpoint
    URL endpoint

    ๐Ÿป Upload File/Folders

    From the S3 dashboard, click on the name of the bucket you have created in the step above. and you will find Details of an existing bucket. you can upload now your static files from upload button as

    s3 upload
    s3 upload

    but most of the times after integration with CircleCI you don't have the luxurious to upload every time from GUI so you need some utility to upload from your terminal and this can be handle by for example let's say when we build the project client side i mean you will get the build version with a new folder for example called www so to deploy this new build to s3 this something can be done by

    aws s3 cp --recursive ./www s3://yonisify-udagram/

    u might get error

    An error occurred (InvalidAccessKeyId) when calling the PutObject operation: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.

    in this case the problem is you need to fix the aws configureation open your termainl and add your credentials

    aws configure
    aws configure

    but if you not have one u need to create IAM user with AdministratorAccess and here's the steps

    Create Admin Group
    Create Admin Group
    Create Admin Group
    Create Admin Group
    Create Admin Group
    Create Admin Group
    Create Admin Group
    Create Admin Group

    After Creating a group let's create a user and attach admin policy to it

    Create User
    Create User
    Create User
    Create User
    Create User
    Create User
    Create User
    Create User
    Create User
    Create User
    Create User
    Create User

    if you still face any issues please go to the documentation

    now it's time to run the command to upload again please hands up for this time

    uploaded files succesffully
    uploaded files succesffully
    Site working like charm
    Site working like charm

    now it's time for your to have a cup of coffee โ˜•๏ธ as you done a very cool job till now

    ๐Ÿš€ Elastic Beanstalk

    let's start by docs to deploy applications used nodeJS

    Elastic Beanstalk (EB) is a fairly straightforward way of setting up scalable applications. It uses Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets, and load balancers to manage your application architecture for you.

    ๐Ÿป add .elasticbeanstalk/ to .gitignore file

    ๐Ÿป Create an Elastic Beanstalk environment

    Open your termail and make sure u authenticated to aws and everything is fine then open your server directoy

    1. Create a repository with the eb init command.

    eb init
    eb init

    This command creates a configuration file in a folder named .elasticbeanstalk that specifies settings for creating environments for your application, and creates an Elastic Beanstalk application named after the current folder.

    1. Create an environment running a sample application with the eb create command.

    eb init
    eb init

    This command creates a load-balanced environment with the default settings for the Node.js platform and if you open the Elastic Beanstalk service from you will find your application with the name you speicifed in our case called udagram-api with environment udagram-api-dev

    ebs Applications
    ebs Applications

    eb Application
    eb Application

    eb Application Details
    eb Application Details

    if you open this link now you will see

    sample preview
    sample preview

    now it's time for your to have a cup of coffee โ˜•๏ธ as you done a very cool job till now

    now after createing everything we need to deploy our application on a spcified environment we alread create it let's make sure we are using it by running in rootDir of our server

    eb use udagram-api-dev

    now we need to ask our selves a question what we need exactly to deploy mmmmmm ๐Ÿง aha we need to build our project first and archive what we build and upload it to run it simple ha so go to rootDir of your server and build the project and archive what we build and this will happen as

    Build Backend
    Build Backend

    then we need to let the elasticbeanstalk configuration know our intention and where it find the archive folder then deploy then open the link again and this can be done by

    Open config.yml in .elasticbeanstalk folder and add this

    EBS Configuration
    EBS Configuration

    It's time to deploy now again

    EBS Configuration
    EBS Configuration

    Open link to review what's happening and this can be done from terminal BTW

    EBS Open
    EBS Open

    EBS Open Error
    EBS Open Error

    ohhh a problem yes a problem what you expect Sir for sure you will find a problems when you work but no problem my friend I am here for help

    in such cases the only place can save us is logs you need to read them and google errors to find the solution and deploy again

    EBS Log Error
    EBS Log Error

    EBS Log Error
    EBS Log Error

    EBS Log Error
    EBS Log Error

    may be you forget to set environment variables or something to set them

    EBS Log Error
    EBS Log Error

    so now you feel issue is fixed right so make the same steps we did before

    1. Build by npm run build

    2. Deploy again

    EBS Deploy Agian
    EBS Deploy Agian
    EBS Deploy running
    EBS Deploy running

    1. Validate

    EBS Validate
    EBS Validate
    EBS Status
    EBS Status

    it's time to clean up

    If you are done working with Elastic Beanstalk, you can terminate your environment.

    Use the eb terminate command to terminate your environment and all of the resources that it contains.

    ebs terminate
    ebs terminate

    ebs validate from GUI
    ebs validate from GUI

    via GIPHY

    3๏ธโƒฃ Wire your GitHub repo with CircleCI

    4๏ธโƒฃ Configure a CircleCI

    Configure a CircleCI pipeline to automate your deployments

    5๏ธโƒฃ Document the infrastructure

    Document the infrastructure needs (RDS, S3 and Elastic Beanstalk, etc) and explain the different steps in the pipeline

    6๏ธโƒฃ Create architecture diagrams

    Create architecture diagrams for an overview of the infrastructure and the pipeline

    Submission Instructions

    ๐Ÿš€ Provide the link to your hosted working Front-End Application in the README

    ๐Ÿš€ Include a screenshot of your last build in CircleCi (either include screenshots in the GitHub repo or upload into the Workspace)

    ๐Ÿš€ Include screenshots of the configuration page of your AWS services (either include screenshots in the GitHub repo or upload them into the Workspace)

    ๐Ÿš€ Your project final project should include the following files and folders:

    • .circleci/config.yml
    • a root level package.json
    • a Readme with some basic documentation
    • a docs folder to include architecture diagram and more detailed documentation files (MD format) on infrastructure description, app dependencies, and pipeline process

    To review the detailed requirements for the project, look at the project rubric.

    Notes if you are using the Starter code


    1. make sure to change the apiHost in the enivronment files to the api link
    apiHost: ''
    1. if you want to run the test in headless mode, you can use
    "test": "ng test --watch=false --browsers ChromeHeadless",


    1. add these keys to the api config
    accessKeyId : process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
    secretAccessKey : process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
    1. make sure to use them in the S3 configuration
    export const s3 = new AWS.S3({
    signatureVersion: "v4",
    region: config.aws_region,
    params: { Bucket: config.aws_media_bucket },
    credentials: {
    secretAccessKey: config.secretAccessKey
    1. use eb init to create .elasticbeanstalk configuration
    environment: ENV_NAME // Note
    artifact: www/ // Note
    branch: null
    repository: null
    application_name: APP_NAME // Note
    default_ec2_keyname: null
    default_platform: Node.js 16 running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2
    default_region: us-east-1
    include_git_submodules: true
    instance_profile: null
    platform_name: null
    platform_version: null
    profile: default // Note
    sc: null
    workspace_type: Application
    1. delete engines from package.json, or make sure you set the correct engine.
    "engines": {
    "node": "14.15.0"

    Common Problems

    Issue 1: Zip not working

    Problem: zip and unzip commands are not existed in windows

    Solution install Cygwin and make sure you select zip as it's not default

    Issue 2: Routing

    Many of us have found their URL not working after including the link to it in their repositories for submitting their project. It happened to me, also. The reason for this error is that you copy the link of the live site from the browser URL field. This makes you copy the link with an extra unneeded /home. Solution: Just remove the /home.

    Issue 3: Testing

    Some of us have experienced errors in deployment when they take testing into their consideration. The reason behind this issue might be the configs of karma. -your-path-to-frontend-/src/karma.conf.js There are no specific configurations to follow. Those who solved this issue played with the following:


    Try changing their values, and things should run smoothly. Karam configurations

    Issue 4: SQl



    Solution Issue can be fixed by by downgrading sequelize version to 5.3.5 while keeping sequelize-typescript at version 0.6.11

    Udacity Style Guides

    Although Eslint and Prettier will handle most of your formatting needs, you should write your code and markup to meet the specifications provided in these style guides:

    ๐ŸŒณ CSS Style Guide

    ๐ŸŒณ HTML Style Guide

    ๐ŸŒณ JavaScript Style Guide

    ๐ŸŒณ Git Guide

    A note on plagiarism: Viewing someone elseโ€™s code to get a general idea of implementation, then putting it away and starting to write your own code from scratch is okay. Please do not copy someone's code, in whole or in part. For further details, check out this guide regarding plagiarism.

    I want to give a spcial thanks to Amr Hassan Abdullah who is one of the talented engineers working as session lead @ Udacity. to reach Amr
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